by Joshua Young
My whole life has been blessed by the fact that I can wake up and know that I am able to have the ability to eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner and am never unsure of when my next meal will be. I was always told I had a blessed life, but it never stuck with me how true this statement was.
By being a part of Don8tions and seeing the people and kids that we help, it hit me how much I take for granted and how thankful I should be. The overall experience and knowledge that I’ve gained since we’ve started this is incredible. It is really inspiring to be able to see the good that we do and the impact our time and effort has. It’s very important to me and it makes me strive to do more and to help give back even more. I will only get more and more fired up to help and even a small amount of time and effort really shows itself to being incredibly impactful.
It’s crazy how eye opening it is to see people who don’t have the life we have or the things we do and to be able to help them. Providing hungry kids and families with freshly picked vegetable soups that will really help them is a very unique and heartwarming feeling that doesn’t really come from anywhere else. That feeling of kindness and knowing you helped somebody is what inspires me to go further and makes the effort and time I put into something I’m proud of, worth it, That’s why I’m happy to call myself a member of Don8tions.